Monday, February 19, 2018

Just Start.... Why not?

So, first I want to say thank you for taking the time to read my article. I realize that you could be doing a number of things other than consuming my content. I also want to thank you, because by participating, you are helping me fulfill my dream to share my message with others.
I find it so fascinating that we can hear someone’s message or listen to their story, and not get anything from it. For me, no matter who I heard speak I always missed the fact that I have to do something. And while I know that that is an ambiguous statement, it means the world to me. It means the world to me, because I now get that I just needed to start. It doesn’t matter where I start from, or what I start doing, only that I Start…... I have been considering doing a number of things, buying property, selling software, public speaking, event planning, franchising, consulting, but one thing I have been struggling consistently with is the simplest part; Starting. And for me that means more than just talking about what I want to do, and sharing my idea with others, it’s the part where I start doing it.
 I heard a speaker talking the other day. The man’s name is Art Williams, and while I may not believe in everything that he says or stands for, during his speech he says, “just do it.” That comment, even though I have heard it many times in Nike commercials, hit me differently this time hearing it. I am not sure if it was his southern accent, his demeanor, or just timing, but this time that phrase evoked and emotion that made me want to take action. He goes on to talk about all the people that seek out his advice in every realm of life, business, relationships, travel, religion…. You name it, people think that because he is rich, he must have some type of useful advice. And while he may not have always had advice, he did now. That advice was to “just do it.” If someone said, “hey art, I’m going to get a new job,” he responds “good, just do it.” When a new person says, “hey art, I’m going to try this,” he responds “good, just do it.” When another person says, “hey art, I’m going to make my first sale today,” he responds “good, just do it.” He goes on and on with different examples of what people tell him they will do, but his response does not change. He sticks with “good, just do it.” For me, that tells me two things.
First, he like most people, does not really care what other people say they are going to do; because end the end, they are either going to do something or they aren’t. Realizing that was a revelation for me that I think is powerful, because I easily get caught up in what people think, and how what I do will be perceived by others, but at the end of the day, they don’t really care. Second, I realized that success is simple, especially when you break it down to tasks. I realized that every task you set out to do has two simple outcomes, success or failure. You either start the task or you don’t, you try, or you don’t. So, what does that mean to me? START. I decided to write a blog post, and I wrote this blog post today. I said I would, and I did. I succeeded today. Thanks for being a part of my success.  

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